I was a guest at a big wedding tonight. The speeches from
the father of the bride and the sister of the groom left me in tears.
I told the sister of the groom after the reception that if
my sister could say the same thing at my wedding, then any stranger would think
highly of me. Of course I will never have that privilege because my sister is a
royal bitch and even if she was the matron of honour at my wedding, she could
never bring herself to have any kind words about me at my wedding except, “My
family would want you all to know that we are so relieved that she is finally
getting married.”
Move on, move on.

Then I thought of you. And how, maybe, years from now, at
your reception, people will find out that you and your bride first met when you
were in 4th grade and she was in 2nd grade. And how you
pretended to have a cold when you saw her at Starbucks in Katipunan because she
was waiting for some of her fellow Music majors from UP before doing an evening
And I wondered, can we ever have those sorts of memories? Will
your sister ever tell a congregation, “On behalf of my family, we would like to
welcome you to our family and tell you how blessed we are to have you”? can we
ever have a public celebration of our love?
Or am I forever your secret hidden love, like that lavender
water lily that will forever languish in the shade and never proudly stand in
the sun as officially, legally yours?
Who am I fooling? Nadia, wake up.
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